Ron’s Vintage Photographs

Here we take an old-time look into the past with Vintage Photographs from the 1800s to the 1900s, a real antique.

Also, time-worn Photoshop brushes, aged vintage overlays, and some extra goodies all inside.

The brushes are for earlier Photoshop versions as well.

Ron's Vintage Photographs
60 Vintage 1900's Photographs of Men, Women, Children, and Couples (2400px X 3300 px @ 300 dpi. (.JPEG))
60 Photoshop Brushes 2023 (.ABR)
60 Photoshop Brushes Ps7 (.ABR)
Photoshop Brushes include 10 men 10 women 20 Vintage Overlays 20 Vintage Extras



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