Within the depths of the starship, a science fiction control room emerges, meticulously crafted with intricate details. The futuristic environment envelops the user in an aura of user-friendly functionality, seamlessly merging cutting-edge technology with an intuitive interface.
Sci-fi Control Room: (.DUF)
Control Room
front wall hide/unhide
side wall hide/unhide
ceiling hide/unhide
screens on/off
gas lamps on/off
Textures Include:
25 Texture and Normal Maps (up to 4096×4096)
Optimized for Iray
Control Room
front wall hide/unhide
side wall hide/unhide
ceiling hide/unhide
screens on/off
gas lamps on/off
Textures Include:
25 Texture and Normal Maps (up to 4096×4096)
Optimized for Iray