(This item is for Genesis in DAZ Studio 4 only.)
Make your outfits last longer with true mix-and-matching, whether or not they came with extra morphs! An explanation is below – but the best explanation is the renders.
Combining pieces of different outfits makes your dollars last longer and your items do more work for you. But layering can be difficult with Genesis items. You can only collide an item with one thing at a time. If the item doesn’t have a custom morph for your Genesis character, you need to collide it with Genesis – but then it will clip with your other items! When a big centerpiece dress or tunic doesn’t have any custom layering morphs, the situation can seem hopeless.
Enter the Sickle Super Clip Fixer for Genesis! This bodysuit is a true supermorpher, with 63 all-custom morph dials for torso, body and limbs. Visible to you but not visible in your render, it does its job and vanishes! The process goes like this:
1. Load and create your Genesis character.
2. Load and conform the Sickle Super Clip Fixer suit. It will automatically collide with Genesis.
3. Load the bottom layer of outfit items. Set them to collide with Genesis.
4. Load the top layer of outfit items. Set them to collide with the suit.
5. Dial the suit morphs to eliminate clipping.
6. Enjoy your gorgeous clip-free Genesis render!