Songbird ReMix Chickens

Songbird ReMix Chickens includes five of the most popular chicken breeds; the Rhode Island Red, the Orpington, the Leghorn, the Australorp and the Cochin. The domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) was domesticated from the red junglefowl species found in Southeast Asia 8,000 years ago. They then were partially hybridized with other wild species of junglefowl such as the grey junglefowl, Ceylon junglefowl, and green junglefowl.

Chickens have been domesticated for egg and meat production, although now, also for show and pets.

The chicken base model in this set includes over 150 morphs and has the ability to create numerous chicken breeds, including 5 breeds listed above as well as the Ameraucana, Andalusian, Brahma, Delaware, Dominique, Jersey Giant, and Maran. As with all Songbird ReMix bird models, there’s a variety of easy-to-use controls and morphs in a central location which include complex movements such as folding wings automatically, spreading tail
feathers, and neck bending.

This set comes with separate versions for DAZ Studio 4.2+ and Poser 10+ and supports Iray, 3Delight, Firefly and Superfly Render Engines.



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