Steam Be Praised

Steam Be Praised

Steam Be Praised
Today we invite you to visit a world, where the power of steam is the supreme ideal, not only technically, but also philosophically and aesthetically. The smoking chimneys and stacks reaching high here are a symbol of power, progress and wealth, like the towers of castles and cathedrals once were. And down in the vast halls the machines sing their endless monotonous song of unceasing toil and never-ending production… And still further are the poor workers’ shacks, built from what is left and in places that are no longer suitable for any industrial use. That’s the world, dirty with skunks, smelling of human sweat, but also lit up by furnace fires, white clouds of steam and heady smell of oil.
And next time we will go somewhere else.

What is included:

10 backgrounds 9000×6000 pixels



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