Steam Gear: Epiproctor – Cargo Set

Steam Gear: Epiproctor – Cargo Set

Expand your Epiproctor’s abilities and look with the Epiproctor Cargo Set expansion pack!
The smart Handles, Steps, Back Rack, Baggage Rack, Tail Clamp and Baggage props, as well as everything from the original Epiproctor are conveniently loading from a new CR2, with corresponding master dials in the BODY for the new morphs. You can also load each individual prop, and the Baggage can either be loaded on the Rack, or as standalone (on the ground).

With wonderfully, detailed textures in two flavors, matching the original Epiproctor textures, the Epiproctor Cargo Set will make your Epiproctor rider/explorer even more eager to travel!

Requires: Steam Gear: Epiproctor



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