Steamed Lab: Lab Burner

Steamed Lab: Lab Burner

“Steamed Lab: Lab Burner” is a wonderful addition to “Steamed Lab”, offering more experiment options.

The Lab Burner is a neat little figure: its clamp can move vertically and open/close (allowing for holding other props than the provided round flask), and its gas lever can turn (all dials located in Hip body part).
? The Lab Burner figure has 4 dials in “Hip” body part:
– ClampSlide – controls the height of the clamp
– ClampOpen – opens the clamp
– LeverTurn – controls gas pipe lever rotation
– FlameRotate – rotates the burner’s flame. Useful if the flame is textured
Product Includes:
? 1 Lab Burner figure, loading with a RoundFlask (to Steamed Lab’s LabBench height)
? 2 MAT poses (includes .ds MAT files): Burner1, Burner2
? 8 textures (2048 by 2048 pixels each)
? 1 texture template



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