StickyChain Plugin

2023-02-24 plugin new version is
Add abortAllProcesses function to ChainRoot and ChainEnd node.removed functions. Add a flag to ChainEnd node.removed function to block any update of ChainEnd rotation by plugin.
Correct sections ‘ChainRoot’, ‘ChainEnd’, ‘ChainRoot must be ancestor of ChainEnd’, ‘New StickyChain’ replace incorrect “ChainEnd must be an ancestor of ChainRoot”, with “ChainRoot must be ancestor of ChainEnd”.
Add figure to section ‘Important Limitation’.
Add Troubleshooting section ‘Multiple Figures(skeletons) in a single chain’.
Modify sections “Chain not a smooth curve – 1.Locked or property limits, 2.Figure/model/shape, 4.Other Limits” to cross reference related points.
Add section “Links”.
Add section “Document versions”.
Add sections “Context Menus”, “Scene tab Context menu”, “Viewport Context menu”, “StickyChain Context Menu Management script”* Add plain text code for StickyChain Context Menu Management script.
On plugin start, load values from registry keys “StickyChain/SceneContextMenu” and “StickyChain/ToolContextMenus” if they exist, or default values if they do not exist.
Modify function controlling insertion of submenu into Scene tab and Viewport context menus. Submenu insertion filtered by values loaded at plugin start. See “Context Menus” section in updated manual.

StickyChain is a plugin to assist in the posing of a sequence(hierarchy) of nodes into a catenary curve.

The primary intended use of StickyChain is to help in the posing of rigged ropes or chains.

When ON, the StickyChain updates the rotation of the chain nodes to make the Chain End node follow the StickyChain. Thus, enabling a sequence of nodes to be controlled from either end. StickyChain can be used on a single frame or across a play range.

StickyChain does not include any model or shape. StickyChain is designed to work with rigged figures that you own or create.

StickyChain only works with rigged figures that have bone/nodes arranged in a recursive parent-child arrangement. StickyChain will not work with unrigged or figures rigged with bones/nodes arranged in parallel.

StickyChain does not create or alter morphs. StickyChain creates standard animation keys on the figure’s bones/nodes. StickyChain takes no part in and is not required for PlayBack of the animation keys that it creates.

StickyChain is Windows 64bit or MacOS 64bit.

StickyChain Plugin: (.DLL and .DYLIB)
StickyChain (Windows 64-bit)
StickyChain (macOS 64-bit)
StickyChain plugin manual (.PDF)

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