The Domus of Victory Training Arena

In the realm of imagination, where architecture melds with history, lies the Domus of Victory Training Arena – a marvel inspired by the grandeur of Ancient Rome. This meticulously crafted environment is a canvas for tales of valor and daring exploits, meticulously designed to ignite the senses and transport you to a world of action and adventure.

Connected by an enigmatic tunnel, the Arena stands sentinel, beckoning warriors to face their destiny. Beyond its threshold lies the Wild Animals Room, where primal instincts clash with human courage. A Rest Room steeped in an ethereal mist invites moments of respite, while the Bedroom provides a sanctuary for the weary. Secret passages lead to a Back Room, shrouded in mystery, and a Kitchen brimming with delectable props and tantalizing aromas.

Doors strategically rigged to conceal and reveal, add an element of intrigue. As if touched by a sorcerer's spell, the Rest Room now exudes an atmosphere of ethereal beauty, thanks to the addition of a mesmerizing fog render setting.

Prepare your combatants, for the Domus of Victory Training Arena awaits!

The Domus Of Victory Training Arena (.DUF)
TDOVTA Arena With Back Room
TDOVTA Arena With Bedroom
TDOVTA Arena Door
TDOVTA Arena With Back Room and Bedroom
TDOVTA Back Room
TDOVTA Kitchen Bench
TDOVTA Rabbit Cage
TDOVTA Room Door
TDOVTA Bedroom
Render Setting
TDOVAT Rest Room Fog
Textures include
502 Texture, Bump and Normal Maps (512 x 512 to 8196 x 8196)
Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)



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