Veeple People

Veeple People

Product Description

Introducing the first “toy” figure available from Vanishing Point: the Veeple. Two versions are included: male (with legs) and female (with a “dress”).
The male version has 8,899 polygons and the female version has 6,724 polygons, making these figures extremely lightweight… in fact, Poser 7 has no problem rendering 21 of these figures in a scene.

.: Product Features :.

Poser figure: obj, cr2, png
Head rotates
Both arms rotate
Both legs rotate (male Veeple)
Skirt rotates (female Veeple)

Please note that this figure was based on real-world “vinyl” toys. Because of this, the body parts on the Veeple are not as pose-able as human figures.

.: Textures :.

Female Veeple:
-Blue Dress
-Red Dress
-Security Guard

Male Veeple:
-Beach Guy
-Casual 1
-Casual 2
-Security Guard

Templates for both figures are included.


Textures for the head, arms, and body will work with both figures. This means you can swap textures to create your own characters: put a male`s head on the female body or mix and match the arms and legs.
Though, obviously, the skirt texture won`t work on the legs.



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