Velvety Goodness Shaders

Velvety Goodness Shaders

A new innovative shader for DAZ Studio 4.5 with easy to use interfaces so that you can create or enhance any surface in your DAZ Studio library. Velvety Goodness will give your textures a beautiful velvet look, either on existing textures, or use the scripts that come with this set to create your own textures. Included is a shader to apply velvet to any current texture, as well as five other scripts, whereby what you select, will apply different looks and designs of velvet.

There are five different designs to choose from, and depending on what type of velvet you use, there will be options for different colors and other settings.

A very special feature of this shader is that each setting that has an image, has it’s own tiler setting. With this you will be able to use texture sets that contain transmaps in order to change the ‘cut’ of the object (as seen in many of the MFD texture sets), but still tile a design without the transmap also tiling. This also allows you to use a tiled image in displacement at Horizontal and Vertical 10 like a special weave, and then use a Normal map with a design tiled at Horizontal and Vertical 3. These additional settings will give you much more control of your tiling.

Incy Vortex


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