Wet Body Iray Genesis 9

Behold the extraordinary Wet Body Iray Genesis 9, the latest incarnation of the acclaimed Wet Body series for Daz Studio, meticulously crafted using Daz Geometry Shells and Iray Decals. This groundbreaking toolset introduces a breathtaking array of static decal water drop effects and meticulously animated scenes that depict drops gracefully sliding down the supple skin of Genesis 9 figures. Each drop is meticulously endowed with its corresponding aniBlock, granting unparalleled timing and length control over its animated trajectory along the skin's trail. Unleash your creativity by seamlessly integrating Wet Body Iray Genesis 9 with stock animations and the forthcoming Genesis Alive! for Genesis 9, empowering your characters to breathe, blink, and now perspire with lifelike realism within your animations.

Witness the remarkable Iray Decals, effortlessly visible within the viewport upon activation of the Iray interactive mode. These exceptional drop decals ingeniously facilitate the creation of mesmerizing skin animation effects, allowing drops to gracefully slide across the skin. Utilize the intuitive translate sliders in the Iray Decals Parameters tab or harness the power of the translation tool, depending on your system's capabilities, to achieve unparalleled precision in drop placement and movement. Decals, as remarkable projections, transcend the limitations of UV boundaries, allowing drops to seamlessly transition from the forehead, gracefully traveling down to the chest, effortlessly bypassing the neck seams of UV textures, just as a drop of water would naturally behave in reality.

Marvel at the ingenious design that allows the water effect to reside on a separate layer (Geometry Shells) or projection (Decals) above the character's skin, ensuring complete independence from other skin effects meticulously applied to your character. This remarkable feature empowers you to effortlessly experiment with different characters or textures on the fly, without disrupting the delicate artistry of your water skin creations that gracefully adorn the character's form.

Navigate with ease through the Scene Tab, where Iray Decals and Geometry Shell Drops are meticulously organized as children of your figure. This intuitive arrangement grants you the ability to effortlessly toggle the visibility of effects and individual drops directly within the Scene Tab, affording you unprecedented control over your wet scenes.

Building upon the legacy of previous sets, this exceptional collection unveils an array of intuitive double-click solutions, enabling you to effortlessly apply full-body wet skins, harness preset pose effects, and meticulously tailor your desired effect, exerting precise control over water placement down to the individual drop level. Strategically position drops upon your figure's forehead to evoke a sense of nervousness, or delicately place them beneath the eyes to portray a character overcome with tears. Imbue your wet render with captivating character by directing a drop of water to cascade from the bridge of the nose to the lip, or let water trickle enticingly from the mouth. Transform your character into a vision of perspiration by orchestrating drops to slide gracefully down their back, neck, navel, chest, or abs. Unleash your artistic vision and take complete command of your wet scene, meticulously placing water exactly where your imagination desires.

Wet Body Iray Genesis 9: (.DUF)
Wearable Geoshells:
WBG9 Style 1 Trailing Water
WBG9 Style 2 Trailing Water
WBG9 Style 3 Trailing Water
WBG9 Style 4 Multi Drops
WBG9 Style 5
WBG9 Style 6 Gel
Wearable Decal Groups:
Drops Back of Head Bottom
Drops Back of Head Top
Drops Back of Head
Drops Back of Knee
Drops from Back
Drops from Butt
Drops from Chest
Drops from Chin
Drops from Collarbone
Drops from Forehead
Drops from Knee
Drops from LBicep
Drops from LShldr
Drops from Neck
Drops from NeckBack
Drops from RBicep
Drops from RShldr
Drops from Stomach
Tear Left Lacrimal
Tear Right Lacrimal
Single Decals:
Drop Style 01
Drop Style 02
Drop Style 03
Drop Style 04
Drop Style 05
Drop Style 06
Drop Style 07
Drop Style 08
Drop Style 09
Drop Style 10
Drop Style 11
Drop Style 12
Animation Scenes:
SWM Drops from Back Head to Neck
SWM Drops from Back Knee to Feet
SWM Drops from Back to Butt
SWM Drops from Butt to Back of Knee
SWM Drops from Chest to Waist
SWM Drops from Chin to Collar Bone
SWM Drops from Forehead
SWM Drops from Knees to Feet
SWM Drops from LBicep to LHand
SWM Drops from LShldr to LBicep
SWM Drops from Neck to Back
SWM Drops from RBicep to RHand
SWM Drops from RShldr to RBicep
SWM Drops from Stomach to Knee
Textures Include:
95 Texture, Height, Glossiness, Normal (53 x 191 to 4096 x 4096)
Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)



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