Gift Card Exchange

Our community is built on the principles of mutual exchange and mutual assistance.
Participants share with each other content and get diamonds for it.
If there is no possibility to share content, then it is possible to fill the shortage of diamonds and make a contribution to the development of the community by means of an exchange.

Select a participant which you want to exchange with on the page  EXCHANGE GIFT CARDS FOR DIAMONDS

When you indicate the number of diamonds which you want to get and a 3D store for purchasing a gift card, the “PRICE GIFT CARD” field will display its cost.

Click on the “Purchase a Gift Card” button to go to purchase a gift card in the selected store.

Enter the gift card code in the “ENTER GIFT CARD CODE” field, this will create an automatic message and after pressing the “SEND MESSAGE” button all the necessary information will be sent to the selected participant.

[text_block text=”‹¨›h2‹˜›When you buy a gift card from DAZ 3D, you need to do the following‹¨›/h2‹˜›” __fw_editor_shortcodes_id=”a4b2da6fda952233cac8a1e9a9495fd6″ _fw_coder=”aggressive”][/text_block]

  • Specify your email address in the fields “Sender Email” and “Recipient Email”.
  • Wait for an email from DAZ 3D with the gift card code.
  • Check the status and balance of the gift card on the page
  • After you are convinced that there are funds on the gift card, please complete the exchange process.

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This article has not been revised since publication.

This post was created by Mariella on September 27, 2018.