Witchy for Witchen

Witchy for Witchen
Witchy for Witchen is a fun add-on containing highly ritch texures.
It’s a very versatile package featuring:

Runtime Pose folder containing:
5 MAT Poses for the Boots
5 MAT Poses for the Cape
5 MAT Poses for the Corset
5 MAT Poses for the Hat
5 MAT Poses for the Skirt

Runtime Textures folder containing:
6 Textures for the Boots
5 Textures for the Cape
5 Textures for the Corset
5 Textures for the Hat
5 Textures for the Skirt
3 Transparancy Maps for the Cape
3 Transparancy Maps for the Skirt
1 Texture Reflection Map

Name of required product Link to post in the Catalog
Witchen https://3d-stuff.community/witchen/



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