If you need a new and diffenrent stylish hair for mike,This is the one 🙂 Yann hair have been done with layers of polygons and transmaps to achieve a very realistic looking hair! You also have a lots of colors to choose from:(Default,Black,Blond,Brown,Carotte,Fatasia,Red and salt_N_Peppar) YANN hair style will add realism and style to any renders of your favorite characters. Enjoy your new YANN hair style and have fun with poser! credit for the images:The wonderful Edo that is also available here in the market place. Thanks StefyZz for such wonderful product!
January 28 2002
This is YANN hair style set For Mike!
Please do the following…
Unzip the YAN.zip file to your ‘Runtime’ directory which is normaly located at
C:\Program Files\Metacreations\Poser 4\ or C:\Program Files\Curious Labs\Poser4\ depending on what version of Poser 4 you have installed on your system.
All the hair files can be found in their own directories. This can be found in the library sidebar on the right of the Poser interface.
files included:
1 Yan hr2 file in each colors (Default,Black,Blond,Brown,Carotte,Fatasia,Red and salt_N_Peppar)
Yan rsr files
All the textures are included.
WARNING:The rendering time will be increased due to the high details.
Tips: Once the YANN hair file is loaded, you might prefer moving your scene around with the tracking off. (Box mode) It is much faster.
If you want to make a test render, you might want to go in the render panel and uncheck the cast shadows button as well as alias.Your render will progress faster that way.
note:The YANN hair style for Mike is very high in polygons and the transmap is very fine.So when you make a render, it really takes a while before something happen.
Don’t panic!! it’s normal.The render will go on after a few minutes.
Always keep in mind the faster your machine, the better time saving!
I hope you will enjoy the new YANN hair style 🙂