The Furd MPV-970 MVP (Multi Purpose Vehicle) is a 2 seat vehicle with Modular Functionality allowing easy conversion to from ground, sea or air/space-borne vehicles.
Easily transported by Trucks, Drop Ships or Helicopters, it is very popular with a diverse range of users including the military, Star Command and urban Police forces and is used in a wide variety of locations from jungles to deep space.
It’s tough, but lightweight construction soon earned it the respect of the Space Marines who nicknamed it the Zombie: “because despite what you do, it will always come back from the dead”.
The model is available here in 4 parts, and as 3 pre-built configurations.
This provides maximum ease of use and also allows you as the artist to express your imagination and creativity.
The Three pre-built configurations includes: a Jeep, JetCraft and Hovercraft. These do not have locked dials so the user may adjust things as how they wish, for example allowing the user to roughly simulate the effects of suspension on uneven terrain.
The Four parts includes:
One main body including the ergonomic clam shell armour, the environmentally friendly Mega-Nuke Engine, Roll Bar and Crew Cage. Plus details such as Towing Hook, Dials, Armoured Seats with Head Rests, Steering Wheel and Pedals.
One Pulse-O-Mactic twin jet engine with Jet Boost Wing.
One Hovercraft/Airboat with skirt and Fan.
One set of wheels.
Plus the model features 3 texture map sets with MAT poses for every part and complete configurations.
These sets are :
Army – a mid green colour scheme with mild chipping to simulate wear and tear.
Cop – a dirty blue and white colour scheme with Police logos.
Desert – a yellowish colour scheme with minor wear and tear.