
Songbird Remix Potoos

P.S: Original file from Hivewire3d Store, as the other files I posted recently.

Potoos are a group of near passerine birds which are related to the nightjars and frogmouths. They are sometimes called “poor-me-ones”, after their haunting calls. There are seven species of Potoo and they are all found in tropical Central and South America.

Much like nightjars and frogsmouths, they are nocturnal insectivores. They lack the bristles around the mouth that are found in the true nightjars. They hunt from a perch like a shrike or flycatcher. During the day they perch upright on tree branches, camouflaged to look like part of a broken branch.

The Songbird ReMix version of these amazing birds comes with intricate controls and morphs to do everything from folding wings to the specialized lifting of portions of the upper eyelid to peek as only Potoos can do.

There are two separate versions to support native Poser 10+ and DAZ Studio 4.10+ versions. Each bird is presented as a ready to render character with 3DL and Iray presets for DAZ Studio, and Firefly and Superfly presets for Poser

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